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Example of access from below
Example of access from above Rope clamp for hauling
Example of counterbalance
1. Accessing the victim Accessing the victim can sometimes be complicated. Rope access techniques are used in these cases. When access is possible from above, rescuers use rope descent techniques. If an access rope is in place, rescuers can ascend the rope using handled and ventral rope clamp techniques. In other situations, rescuers are obliged to use climbing techniques to reach the victim.
Inert suspension in a harness, even for a short time, can cause serious physiological harm. In the event of an accident, it is important to respond quickly with the appropriate technique.
On sites where the main access could be cut off by fire, people must be ready to quickly evacuate the building. They have evacuation kits. These kits are either portable or installed permanently on the structure. When there is no existing anchor, a hook-based system can be used. In both cases, teams must be regularly trained so they don t panic in the event of a fire.
On-Site Rescue
When a worksite is being set up, the company must establish a risk prevention plan (inventory of risk situations): 1. It must protect the personnel from falls from height. The solutions chosen, whether collective or individual, must protect the team members while they work. 2. In the event of an incident, the company must be prepared with rescue systems for accessing, releasing, and evacuating the victim. These solutions are established with: - Ready-to-use rescue kits, adaptable to many situations and simple to use - Personal equipment for the worker at height (solution requiring experienced and well-trained teams) In both cases, the teams undergo regular training, so they can respond quickly in the event of an accident.
Technical Rescue
Technical rescue teams must be able to respond quickly in any situation. They must choose the quickest, most effective way to access the victim. - When access is easy or possible by motorized means, they can easily transport the rescue equipment - In more difficult access situations, they may use rope access techniques from above or below, and their equipment will be lightweight and versatile - Finally, a helicopter can be used when victim access is complicated and/or remote, for example in the mountains
Cable Lift Evacuation
Cable lift evacuation operations follow an evacuation plan. Rescue kits are put together to meet the specific needs of each operator.
3. Evacuating the victim Downward, the evacuation is done with a descender. This is the easiest technique currently in use. When downward evacuation is impossible, the victim is evacuated upward or horizontally. Upward, rescuers use either a counterweight or hauling technique. Horizontally, one or more ropes are tensioned. One rope is used for carriage, another is used as a back-up belay, and another to move the litter.
2. Releasing the victim
Raising This involves using a mechanical advantage pulley system in order to easily raise the victim. A rescuer working alone uses a mechanical advantage system to reduce effort. The disadvantage is that a long rope is required. If there are enough rescuers, a lower mechanical advantage is used to speed up the operation.
Counterbalance technique This is a counterweight system. The rescuer is on one side, the victim on the other. The rescuer unweights the rope on the victim s side by pulling upward. The victim ascends and the rescuer descends. The advantage of this system is that it is easy to do with little equipment. Engaging the counterweight is the step that demands the most energy. After that, it is important to be careful to keep the system under control. Beware when there is a significant weight difference between the rescuer and the victim.